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Transcript of the Camp Somerset Sky Muster Plus Business Review video
Acoustic guitar music starts playing. Middle aged male voice starts speaking about living off the grid.An exterior drone shot flies over trees and bush land back towards house with solar panels and satellite dish on roof.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about it would be a good thing to do.Middle aged male standing up talking to interviewer just off camera with bush land and trees in the background, Lower third graphic appears “CHRIS” “SKY MUSTER TM OFF-GRID FAN”.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about the kids always wanted to live in the bush.An exterior shot of a young boy wearing a black shirt is bouncing a football on grassy ground, he then kicks the ball off screen. There is a white dog and bush land in background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about homeschooling their two boys.An exterior shot of a young boy wearing a red shirt is bouncing a football and running on grassy ground There are trees and bush land in background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about the internet is very useful for that as well.An interior shot of a young boy wearing a red shirt sitting down at kitchen table using a laptop smiling focusing on laptop screen.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about they do an online Spanish course.Close up shot of young boy in a black shirt, sitting at computer, his hands are clicking on a computer mouse and keyboard.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about they do Math’s.Close up shot of young boy in a black shirt’s face focusing on computer screen.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about they do English.Wider shot of young boy in a black shirt, sitting at computer, typing on keyboard.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about they do guitar lessons and trumpet lessons.Close up shot of young boy in a black shirt siting playing guitar with microphone stand in foreground and an amp in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about things like that are all online.Wider shot of young boy in a black shirt siting playing guitar with microphone and music stand in the foreground and a window in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. The young boy on the left in a black shirt is speaking about learning a few chords online.An exterior shot of the two young boys standing being interviewed. The young boy on the left is wearing a black shirt. The young boy on the right is wearing a red shirt, the house and bush land is in background, Lower third graphic appears “FLETCHER & FLYNN”.
Acoustic guitar music playing. The young boy on the left in a black shirt is speaking about creating an album.An interior shot of a young boy wearing a red shirt playing the drums.
Acoustic guitar music playing. The young boy on the left in a black shirt is speaking about it was quite successful.A close up shot of young boy in a black shirt singing into a microphone.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about we have a pet goat called Victoria.An exterior shot of a white and brown goat in the foreground with the young boy in a black shirt is kicking a football off screen. There are trees and bush land in background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about she was here when they moved in.A close up shot of the goat walking and young boy in red shirt in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about she was living on the cliffs near the house.An exterior shot of middle aged male walking up a dirt path with the goat in a coat following behind, they are walking towards a green shed, There are trees and bush land in background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. The young boy in red shirt is speaking about how she was completely wild.A close up shot of the goat being patted by young boy in black shirt.
Acoustic guitar music playing. The young boy on the left in a black shirt is speaking about feeding her breakfast.An exterior shot of the goat being fed by young boy in black shirt, young boy in red shirt is sitting down and bush land in part of the house is in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. The young boy on the left in a black shirt is speaking to goat getting a snack later in the day.An exterior shot of the two young boys standing being interviewed. The young boy on the left is wearing a black shirt. The young boy on the right is wearing a red shirt, the house and bush land is in background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about before we brought this house…An exterior drone shot flies over house towards trees and bush land and the blue sky.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about it was a fair way from town.drone shot flies around house with solar panels and satellite dish on roof, trees and bush land are in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about satellite internet.Middle aged male standing up talking to interviewer just off camera with bush land and trees in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about satellite internet can be just as good as cable.Mid shot of middle aged male standing up talking to interviewer just off camera with bush land and trees in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about working remotely..Close up shot of Middle aged male’s hands, they are clicking on a computer mouse and keyboard.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about working remotely for a Melbourne based company.An over the shoulder shot of middle aged male sitting down at computer with headphones on.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about without internet I wouldn’t be able to live here.Mid shot of middle aged male standing up talking to interviewer just off camera with bush land and trees in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about my work depends on the internet..A close up over the shoulder shot of middle aged male sitting down at computer with headphones on with laptop in background out of focus.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about my work depends on the internet everyday.A side on shot of middle aged male sitting down at computer with headphones on, typing on keyboard.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about signing up to a generous data allowance.Mid shot of middle aged male standing up talking to interviewer just off camera with bush land and trees in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about never breaching it.A close up shot of middle aged male sitting down at computer typing on keyboard.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about I’ve never even got close.A side on close up shot of middle aged male face while sitting down at computer with headphones on.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about having internet out here.Mid shot of middle aged male standing up talking to interviewer just off camera with bush land and trees in the background.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about how do you get it so good.An interior side on shot of a young boy wearing a red shirt sitting down at kitchen table using a laptop.
Acoustic guitar music playing. Middle aged male voice speaking about how everyone’s so interested, it’s satellite, it’s flawless, never had a problem with it. Mid shot of middle aged male standing up talking to interviewer just off camera with bush land and trees in the background.
Acoustic guitar music plays and comes to an end.An exterior drone shot pans out and flies high above the house trees and bush land.
electronic sound effect.The Skymesh Logo, tag line – Connecting Regional Australia and website – appear on screen.

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