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Video Transcript – Land Cruiser National Park
Inspiring music starts playing.Aerial shot of the house, farm and buildings.
Inspiring music playing. Helen speaking about old, slow internet connection.Inspiring music playing. Helen speaking about old, slow internet connection Helen is standing in the foreground, with the farmhouse behind her. Bottom third HELEN, SKY MUSTER CUSTOMER.
Inspiring music playing, Helen speaking about Sky Muster. Camera zooms into Helen’s face, while she is standing in front of the farmhouse.
Inspiring music playing, Helen introducers herself.Helen is standing in the foreground, with the farmhouse behind her.
Inspiring music playing, Helen introduces her property – Landcruiser Mountain Park, approx. 62km north of Kilcoy. The camera moves to show the sign for Landcruiser Mountain Park.
Inspiring music playing, Helen explains Kilcoy is their closest town.Inspiring music playing, Helen explains Kilcoy is their closest town. The camera shows an image of buildings in the town of Kilcoy.
Inspiring music playing, Helen explains their property is isolated. Inspiring music playing, Helen explains their property is isolated. Camera moves to an aerial shot of the local landscape, including a small hill.
Inspiring music playing, Alben tells the history of the farm.Alben is standing in the foreground, with the farmhouse behind him. Bottom third ALBEN, SKY MUSTER CUSTOMER.
Inspiring music playing, Alben explains they’ve been on the property for 30 years. Camera moves to an aerial shot, showing a vehicle travelling down a road, before zooming into the right-hand door which has a “Camel Trophy” logo on it.
Inspiring music playing, Helen explains the type of guests that come to stay with them.Camera moves to the front of the vehicle, showing it 4-wheel driving over rough terrain.
Inspiring music playing, Helen explains how the guests come and camp on their property.Camera moves to an aerial show over rocks and a lake, with a waterfall.
Inspiring music playing, Alben speaks about old, slow internet connection. Alben is standing in the foreground, with the farmhouse behind him.Inspiring music playing, Alben speaks about old, slow internet connection. Alben is standing in the foreground, with the farmhouse behind him.
Inspiring music playing, Helen explains how much they used to pay for this service. From behind, camera shows four people walking into the farm office.
Inspiring music playing, Helen explains how much they now pay for the service.From the side, camera shows Helen speaking with three guests and showing them a map, before zooming into Helen’s face.
Inspiring music playing, Helen explains the difference in what they now pay, compared to what they used to pay.Helen is standing in the yard with the farmhouse behind her, camera zoomed up to her face.
Inspiring music playing, Helen talks about the old, slow service.The camera is behind Helen. She is at the office desk, speaking with four guests.
Inspiring music playing, Helen explains what she is able to do with the new internet connection.Helen is standing in the foreground, in front of the farmhouse. The camera moves to show her hand on the eftpos machine in the office.
Inspiring music playing, Helen continues to explain what she can do with the new internet connection.Helen is standing at a desk, the camera is located outside the building, facing the window, before zooming into her computer and keyboard.
Inspiring music playing, while Helen explains they now can operate an online booking form.Inspiring music playing, while Helen explains they now can operate an online booking form. Camera shows Helen at a computer, before zooming to the roof to show the satellite dishes.
Inspiring music playing, while Alben explains how Sky Muster has helped them to be able to promote their business.An aerial shot of the property, with a vehicle driving down the road.
Inspiring music playing, while Alben talks about how his phone uses WiFi. Camera zooms into Alben’s hand, while he is using his mobile phone, before panning out to show him on the phone.
Inspiring music playing. Alben explains that if they didn’t have internet, they’d have to drive 4-5km to get service. Alben is standing in the foreground, in front of the farmhouse.
Inspiring music playing. Alben explains that if they didn’t have internet, they’d have to drive 4-5km to get service.Camera zooms into Alben’s face, while he is inside on his mobile phone.
Inspiring music playing, while Helen recommends Sky Muster.Helen is standing in the foreground, in front of the farmhouse, before the camera zooms closer to her face.
Inspiring music playing. The Skymesh tag line of ‘Join nbn®’s #1 specialised rural internet provider today’ and awards appear on screen.
Electronic sound effect. The Skymesh Logo, tag line – Connecting Regional Australia and website – appear on screen.


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