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About 4G/5G

What is Home Wireless Broadband?

Home Wireless Broadband delivers internet access using 4G or 5G networks, providing a reliable connection in areas where traditional fixed-line services may be limited.

Installation Process

Getting connected with us is simple:

  1. Check Availability: Make sure 4G and 5G is available in your area. Check your address here.
  2. Choose a Plan: Pick an internet plan that suits your needs here.
  3. Plug and Play Setup: Once confirmed, you will receive your Home Wireless Broadband modem and SIM card pre-configured. Plug in the modem and activate your SIM card automatically.

Are You Offline?

If you are currently offline and seeking immediate help to restore your 4G/5G connection, check our step-by-step guide here.

Understand your 4G/5G Router Lights

The lights on your 4G/5G router tell you if your internet is working or if something is wrong. Learn what each light means here.

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