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VoIP setup guide: Skymesh supplied NF20Mesh

Here is everything you need to get started with your VOIP service, using your Skymesh-supplied NF20Mesh.

(If you’re using a different router, click here to see a list of supported equipment in our knowledge base, then select the router or ATA you’re using.)

Before you set up your router, we recommend connecting your computer to the LAN 1 port on the router using an Ethernet cable. Internet is NOT required for this process. Keep a copy of your welcome email handy, because it contains important information about your service.

Accessing your router

  1. From a computer that is connected to the NF20Mesh, open a web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) and enter into the address bar.
  2. Enter the admin password for your router.
  3. Navigate to the ‘Voice’ menu on the left and select ‘SIP Basic Settings’.

Configuring your router

1. Tick the checkboxes labelled ‘Use SIP Proxy’, ‘Use SIP Outbound Proxy’, and ‘Use SIP Registrar’.

2. Enter or copy/paste “” into the boxes labelled ‘SIP Proxy’, ‘SIP Outbound Proxy’, and ‘SIP Registrar’.

3. In the SIP Account section, untick the box directly below the number 2. Only the number 1 port should remain ticked.

4. Below the number 1, enter your VoIP phone number in the ‘Authentication name’, ‘Cid Name’, and ‘Cid Number’ fields.

5. Enter or copy/paste your VoIP password into the ‘Password’ field.

6. Click ‘Apply’ at the bottom of the page.

Advanced Settings

1. Untick all features on line 1 (and line 2 if applicable) apart from Call Waiting.

2. Please make sure these settings below match:

Registration Expire Timeout: 120

Sessions Expire Timeout: 120

Min Session Expire Time: 90

Digimap Setting: Leave as default

DSCP for SIP: EF (101110)

DSCP for RTP: EF (101110)

Dtmf Relay setting: RFC2833

payload value: 120

SIP Transport protocol: UDP

Dial Plan:

NSW: (02) {<=02>[23456789]xxxxxxx | 0[23478]xxxxxxxx | 0011x+ | 13[12]xxx | 1[38]00xxxxxx | 000}

QLD: (07) {<=07>[23456789]xxxxxxx | 0[23478]xxxxxxxx | 0011x+ | 13[12]xxx | 1[38]00xxxxxx | 000}

VIC/TAS: (03) {<=03>[23456789]xxxxxxx | 0[23478]xxxxxxxx | 0011x+ | 13[12]xxx | 1[38]00xxxxxx | 000}

WA/SA/NT: (08) {<=08>[23456789]xxxxxxx | 0[23478]xxxxxxxx | 0011x+ | 13[12]xxx | 1[38]00xxxxxx | 000}

3. Once registered, the green telephone LED on the front of the router should illuminate, indicating a successful connection, and you should have a dial tone.

For changing the VoIP number:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above to access the ‘SIP Basic Settings’.
  2. In the SIP Account section, ensure the tick is directly below the number 1, and your current VoIP number is entered in the fields.
  3. Below the number 1, update the ‘Authentication name’, ‘Cid Name’, and ‘Cid Number’ fields with your new VoIP number.
  4. Delete the dots in the ‘Password’ field, then enter or copy/paste your new VoIP password.
  5. Click ‘Apply’ at the bottom of the page.
  6. Once registered, the green telephone LED on the front of the router should illuminate, indicating a successful connection, and you should have a dial tone.

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