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Your ultimate guide to talking Internet tech

You just want to connect to the Internet and do the things you need to do like banking, study, browsing, shopping, gaming, watching Netflix, whatever the case may be.

After lots of research, you find an Internet service provider with a plan that looks like it might fit your needs, and you reach out to get connected.

What happens next can sometimes be an overwhelming conversation with lots of tech speak. It just leaves you confused and unsure about what the hell just happened.

At Skymesh, we have an all Aussie tech team on the phones who do go out of their way to avoid tech talk. Sometimes, it’s just one of those necessary evils. To help us all along in the land of Internet conversation, we’ve created this A – Z jargon-busting cheat sheet.

Below are some of the more frequently used terms you’re likely to encounter when talking Internet connections and use.



An admin is the Wizard behind the online gaming curtain who has a ton more control than the average citizen in a gaming community. Among other things, they can ban players and kick you off their server if you’re slowing down the gameplay.


This is a setting that many video games have to smooth out curves and jagged lines in images (kinda like shapewear for graphics).

There’s a great article on Lifewire that gives you a lot more detail on the various anti-aliasing options and how they work. You can read that here.

Anytime data

Anytime data is a Skymesh offering for Sky Muster™ customers that takes peak data allowances to a whole new level. You can use your Anytime data around the clock, giving you an extra bit of flexibility in how you manage your data usage.


A type of video gameplay in which teams of players compete in a specific area or sub-game, or the place in a game where ‘arena’ play takes place. These settings will show up in MMO games and are real-time strategy situations which are not ideal for satellite Internet connections.


Let’s start with the basics.

When you email a photo, a document, a video or some other sort of file, this is known as an attachment: an email attachment to be specific.

It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the size of your email attachments.

Those pics of the kids you’re sending to family in the big smoke could be using up a whole heap of your data allowance.

Try not to email attachments bigger than 5MB.

While you’ll be able to send a maximum attachment of 10MB through Skymesh mail servers, you don’t want to waste your data (or that of the person you’re emailing) unnecessarily.

It is technically okay to send large attachments but keep in mind that some email service providers will have different limitations.

If you have large files, we recommend compressing (zipping) them before sending.

Alternatively, use a file sharing service like Dropbox that stores your files in the Cloud, so you just need to share a link in your email rather than a hefty file.


An avatar is a graphical representation of you in a video game.

It’s your gaming character.

The options for how this character will look and the special features they have will depend on the game you’re playing. You could have anything from a human character through to some sort of magically fantastical creature.


When we talk about bandwidth, we’re talking about the maximum amount of data your computer can send or receive in a set amount of time.

It’s your Internet speed. It’s measured in units of data per second.

You can check your nbn® Internet speed here.


A video game terminology; these non-player characters (NPCs) are your gaming tough guys! They’re a brute of an enemy, challenging to beat and you’ll usually come up against them at the end of a level.

Think Diablo from the Diablo game series.


Bot is quite literally short for ‘robot’.

In gaming terms, bots show up as replacements for humans during the gameplay and are computer-controlled characters, also known as non-player characters (NPC).

Unscrupulous players may also create their own to try to cheat the game. Not cool, people!

Bots are also common on websites to automate conversations with visitors.

Casual gamer

Sometimes also called filthy casual or filthy cash (pronounced: caz-sh)

These are your easy-going gamers who dip in and out of gaming on a purely social, non-competitive basis. Hard-core gamers tolerate these folks but are not huge fans of the non-committal attitude.


A clan is precisely what it sounds like – it’s a sort of online family.  These people are your team. As part of your clan, you will fight other clans.

This is widespread terminology in first-person shooter games.

A cookie is a piece of data created by websites and stored on your computer.

Websites use cookies to keep track of how you use the site when you visit.

They’re also the reason you see those ads all over the Internet for the new boots you’ve been dreaming about owning! You may have looked at them a few times on one particular website. Then what happens? Cookies from that website visit enable that retailer to follow you around the Internet, sending you ads about those very boots!


Seriously, other than those fluffy white things in the sky, what on Earth is a Cloud?

Where is this Cloud you speak of?

What do you mean: “it’s in the Cloud”?

All good questions!

The Cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet and another computer.

When your files are in the Cloud, they’re living on the Internet.

This neat trick means you can access those files from anywhere you can get online.

Say you visit your friend Jill and you want to show her a hilarious video of something your crazy chihuahua did last weekend. There’s no more: “I’ll email it to you when I get home”. If you keep your files with a Cloud Computing provider (like Dropbox, for example), you can show Jill that crazy Chihuahua on the spot.

You just need an Internet connection and a computer or smart device.


CPU is the quick way of referencing your computer’s Central Processing Unit, which is great I hear you saying, but what does it do? It’s essentially the brains of your computer, making all the big decisions and calculations.


What is data really anyway?

It seems so intangible, but it is actually very measurable.

Every time you use the Internet (on your computer, phone or any other device), pieces of information measured in bytes are transferred to you (downloaded) and/or from you (uploaded).

This information is the data we’re talking about.

Every Internet plan comes with a data allowance (even if that allowance is limitless), which means that there is a certain amount of data your ISP will give you to use.

Data is talked about in a few ways:

Peak data

Peak data refers to the data available to you during certain hours of the day as set by your ISP and the nbn® co. During peak data hours, there is less available bandwidth for use.

Anytime data

Anytime data is a Skymesh offering that takes peak data allowances to a whole new level. You can use your Anytime data around the clock, giving you an extra bit of flexibility in how you manage your data usage.

Off-peak data

Off-peak data times happen between:

This is the time when the least number of people are online, and so there is much more bandwidth available for use.

You’ll notice that some Skymesh nbn® plans offers you both Anytime data, as well as a more considerable amount of off-peak data each month.

Unmeterd data

Unmetered data allows users on a particular style of plan to spend time online without eating into any of their data allowances.

Limitless data

Limitless data is the holy grail that every Internet user is seeking.

It means that you never have to worry about going over your data allowance. It’s the Netflix bingers’ idea of heaven!

There is only so much bandwidth available on the satellites powering Sky Muster™ and Sky Muster™ Plus which means limitless data is not an option here. However, Skymesh is always working with nbn® co to improve your access to the available bandwidth.

For people who can access Fixed Wireless technology however, the story is a different one and limitless data is definitely an option for them.

Data on the Sky Muster™ service is precious. Learn how to utilise your off-peak allowance for streaming via popular sites like Netflix and YouTube here.

During school holidays, Skymesh offers FREE 5 GB data blocks to every Sky Muster™ customer each Friday, for a total of 3 weeks.

Dungeon crawl

Frequently found in role-playing games, the dungeon crawl is a fantasy scenario where you become the game hero by facing monsters, solving puzzles, finding loot, exploring mazes and generally overcoming bad-guys and hurdles.


The Ethernet cable is probably the most common cable lying around everyone’s home. It’s a bunch of standard wires that connect computers to a network. In your home that may be the computer to your printer, router and modem.

What it really does is allow each piece of technology in that network to communicate with each other For example, you’re able to print from your computer because the ethernet cable connects both devices.

Fair Use Policy

nbn® co’s Fair Use Policy limits the largest plan that Internet service providers (aka us at Skymesh) can offer.

It’s all about making sure there is enough bandwidth to go around.

For example, the peak hour data usage of individual Skymesh Sky Muster™ services is restricted to no more than 150GB in four weeks. Believe me; this is a good thing!

It’s all about making sure there is enough bandwidth to go around.

How can we say that when it puts limits on how much data you can use?

The Fair Use Policy makes sure there’s room for everyone to get a good connection to the Sky Muster™ Internet technology.

First-person shooter (FPS)

If you’re playing a first-person shooter video game, you’ll view the game through your character’s eyes as you wander the 3D environment literally shooting things up.

Frames per-second (also FPS)

When gamers talk about frames-per-second, they’re referring to the frame rate or the pace at which images appear on your screen.

This becomes important when you’re trying to find the balance between the quality of your graphics on screen and the speed of your game.

A high FPS is going to slow your game down, and this is not going to do you any favours if you’re playing on a satellite connection.


Gateways, also known as Earth stations, are ground stations that transmit data (the Internet, actually) to and from the satellite up in space.

The Gateways house all the antennas and equipment that convert the Internet into radio frequencies (RF).

Both nbn® co and Skymesh refer to these RF as the Sky Muster™ signal. nbn® co has 10 gateways across Australia which are suped-up to make sure satellite connections can span the country!

Not connected to the nbn® yet? No problems. Use the button below to check nbn® availability at your place.

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    GOG Galaxy

    GOG Galaxy is the platform from where you can buy, play and chat about games online.

    Check it out here.

    In case you were wondering, GOG is shorthand for Good Old Games which is exactly what you’ll get from them.

    There’re some tremendous single-player games here which are better choices for satellite Internet connections than multiplayer games.


    Not to be confused with the CPU, the GPU is your computer’s Graphics Processing Unit and is responsible for how images, animations and videos appear on your screen.


    See Clan above.


    HTML stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language, and all your favourite websites are made with it! It gives every website structure by coding page sections, headings, links and blockquotes.

    HTML code form the building blocks of a website.

    Then you’d use CSS coding for more advanced website styling, kinda like choosing the tiles for the bathroom. JavaScript is the final layer of building a website.

    It brings funky functionality to the site like pop-up boxes and image galleries. It’s a bit like choosing the soft close draws in the kitchen, and a fridge with an inbuilt ice-machine.

    Indie games

    This game genre gets its name from the shortening of the words: Independent games.

    They’re usually created by one person, or maybe a small group of people, rather than the mega-companies like Activision Blizzard, Sony Computer Entertainment, Ubisoft or Nintendo.


    Input-lag is the computer delay between pressing a button or clicking a mouse and the response happening on your screen.

    There are ways you can reduce your input-lag, and we’ve compiled some tips further up in this guide.

    IP Address

    Your IP address is no different to the street address where you live.

    IP stands for Internet Protocol, and the address component of that is a series of unique numbers. Those numbers then get applied to your computer or device to let it chat with other devices across the Internet.

    So, how do you get an IP address?

    Well, it’s assigned to you by your Internet service provider.

    And here’s fair warning to the emotional folks out there… this is not a forever relationship.

    Your IP address has a wandering heart and can leave you for something as simple as turning your router off and back on.

    You can wake up in the morning with a whole new IP address.

    You’re probably wondering why it’s so fickle? Well, that’s connected to any changes that might happen on your Internet service provider’s network infrastructure that impacts the way they assign IP addresses. Truthfully though, that’s a long, convoluted story for another time.

    At Skymesh, however, we’re pretty sticky when it comes to relationships. We like to nurture them on all levels, including our IP addresses. So, by default, your Skymesh IP address should stay the same unless we have a compliance reason for it changing. And if that happens, you’ll get a Dear John letter (well, a Dear John email actually) from us to let you know what happened and why.


    You probably hear the acronym ISP tossed around like confetti. It’s one of those things people say to you and just expect you to know what they’re on about. It’s not true. Plenty of people are wondering what an ISP is.

    ISP stands for Internet Service Provider, and these are the people (just like us at Skymesh) that you pay to supply you with access to the Internet. At Skymesh we take care of your nbn® satellite and fixed wireless plans.

    To further complicate this issue, since the introduction of the nbn® co, people will also use the term RSP (Retail Service Provider) to mean the same thing as an ISP.

    JPEG (or jpg)

    Has anyone ever asked you to send them something as a JPEG?

    They will have been asking you to send them an image, probably a photo.

    JPEG is the type of file format and is referenced in a file name like: thisphoto.jpg

    Most digital photos are produced as JPEGs but you may also see photos and images floating around the Internet in a GIF or PNG format. These are just referencing different types and quality of compression.

    JPEG files are an ideal, high quality resolution for printing.

    While PNGs are “lossless”, meaning you can edit them and not lose quality, they are still low resolution and ideal for web use, but not for printing.

    GIF files are usually animated, like the moving images you might sometimes receive in a text message.

    There are a lot of other image file types, but these cover the most commonly seen types.

    Knowledge BaseKnowledge Base

    A knowledge base is a bunch of resources put together in one spot by a company that has listened to the common questions and frustrations repeatedly asked by their customers.

    The point of a knowledge base is to provide answers and solutions for customers to quickly access when they need the information.

    At Skymesh, our knowledge base is our Help Centre which you can find here.

    Of course, you’re also always welcome to call our all Aussie call centre for help on 1300 759 637.


    Lag and latency are precisely the same thing. See latency below for more information.


    Satellite latency is the slight time delay you’ve probably already experienced when loading a page or streaming a video.

    It’s completely normal, occurs irrespective of supplier, and is part of the Sky Muster™ technology.

    The reason this happens is because the signal needs to go into space and back again, twice, each time you take an action on the Internet.

    It’s a hell of a long way to go on a round trip into space and back twice, but it still only takes the signal 600 milliseconds (0.6 seconds)!

    In fact, all Internet network technologies experience a time delay in the sending and receiving of data. Fixed Wireless connections may experience a time delay of around 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds).


    A launcher is a one-stop-shop spot for your online games.

    You can download them and play them from there, chat with others in your gaming community and be kept abreast of the latest updates.

    Popular online game launchers include Steam, GOG Galaxy and (Blizzard).


    Take your gaming experience to the next level by going up a level in the game or advancing your character’s development.

    Level-up can also be used in reference to ramping-up/improving your effort and skill.

    Massively Multiplayer Online game (MMO)

    This quite literally means that a massive amount of people are playing this game at any given point in time.

    For example, at the time I was writing this article, there were 286,351 people online playing DOTA 2 and 256,638 playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, according to Steam.

    Metered data

    Metered data relates to the amount of data you use each month that is counted/monitored/metered by your ISP/RSP to help ensure you don’t go over your data allowance.

    The flipside of this is unmetered data. With the new Sky Muster Plus, everything you do online is now unmetered by default. Unmetered data allows users to spend time online without eating into any of their data allowances. The only exceptions to this rule being VPN traffic and video streaming. This gives you peace of mind to know that you will always have the data you need for work, education, recreation and everything in-between.


    Did you even know that Megabits and Megabytes were different things?

    Many people don’t.

    They sound so similar that you really couldn’t be blamed for feeling confused. In simple terms, here’s the difference:

    • Megabits per second (Mbps) = speed
    • Megabytes (MB) = size

    If you download 25MB (megabytes) of data at the speed of 25Mbps (megabits) per second, it will actually take around 8 seconds to download completely.


    Ever been on an overseas holiday and gone on a tour with a translator?

    You do this because you speak one language, and the people in the country you’re visiting speak a different one, right?

    Your translator makes communication happen smoothly, so you have a great visit abroad.

    A modem does precisely the same thing with all the components that make up your home computer network, enabling you to connect to the Internet.

    All the devices you use speak different digital languages, but the modem is their universal translator making communication seamless.

    You don’t need a modem for your nbn® Sky Muster™ or Fixed Wireless service, your NTD has one inbuilt.


    A network allows computers and digital devices to share resources such as hardware, software, data and information. It’s built up of wireless connections or optical fibres to enable the swapping of data between each device.


    Your NTD (network termination device) is the box that is installed at your home or office and connects you to the nbn® through fixed wireless or satellite Internet technology.

    Think of it as your nbn® connection box. It stays at the premises when you leave because it’s really the property of the nbn® co.


    A variant of ‘newbie’ that has been completely bastardised by the gaming community so they can taunt each other during FPS games.

    It can also be seen written n00b, noob, or newb.

    ‘Newbie’ is, in fact, a genuine, friendly description of a player new to a game.

    ‘Noob’ however, is an insult. Gamers will deem another player a noob if they’ve been playing a long time but don’t particularly play well.


    This refers to non-player characters. These computer-controlled characters appear in games to help advance the game’s plot. The ghosts in Pac-Man are probably one of the most famous NPCs of all time.

    Off-Peak hours

    Off-Peak hours at Skymesh are between:
    • 1am and 7am every day for our Sky Muster™ customers and
    • 12am to 7am for our Fixed Wireless customers.

    This is the time when the least number of people are online.

    You’ll notice that some Skymesh nbn® plans offers you both Anytime data, as well as a more considerable amount of Off-Peak data each month.


    Outages are tricky.

    Sometimes they happen because your ISP or the nbn® co has planned maintenance on the network infrastructure. In this case, it’s about making sure you get the best possible service long-term.

    It will usually happen at a time where the least amount of people will be impacted for the least amount of time.

    Keep in mind that it is still likely to happen during daylight hours if technicians need to see the towers.

    Typically, we’ll send you an email to make sure you know what’s happening in advance.

    Sometimes outages happen because the Internet is made up of a stack of moving parts, any of which could break.

    If that happens, it could mean that a customer (or many customers) experience an outage.

    For example, a severe storm could mean that the Gateways can’t see the satellite and that disrupts the connection.

    Skymesh will always work closely with the nbn® co to make sure outages are resolved as fast as possible. We want to get you quickly back to doing the things you love to do online.

    You can find any notices about outages here.

    If you don’t have a secondary Internet connection – and find yourself ultimately without Internet access – you can call the Skymesh SMART (Sky Muster™ Advance Repair Telephone) Hotline on 07 3123 5855.NOTE: The Skymesh SMART Hotline is a recorded message that will let you know about the current status of any outages. It’s not an express queue.


    See lag and latency. Ping is just another word for these terms.


    In this particular instance, we’re talking about your monthly quota of data (aka, your data allowance).

    No matter which plan you choose, you will have a data allowance (that is of course, unless you’re on the top Fixed Wireless plan which comes with limitless data).

    Sky Muster™ plans start with 50GB included in the amount you pay each month. This plan will give you 10GB of Anytime data and 40GB of off-peak data.

    You can monitor your usage in your online account to decide whether you’re going to go over your data allowance. If you think you might go over the quota of data included in your plan, you can choose to either:

    • upgrade your plan (if you think this will be an ongoing thing) or
    • buy blocks of data (to get you through for the moment).

    You can do both of these things yourself from your online account here.

    Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games

    These games are strategy-based and happen in (you guessed it) real-time.

    Instead of waiting for your opponent to take their turn before annihilating them with your gaming prowess, you take live actions against each other.

    This is not an ideal situation for the latency-prone satellite internet connection. Turn-based strategy games are a far better option.

    Rogue-Like or Rogue-Lite games

    Rogue-Like and Rogue-Lite games are a sub-genre of RPG.

    They’re based on really old technology and graphics like you will have seen in the 1980s game from which this genre got its name: Rogue.

    Pac-Man is probably one of the most famous Rogue-Like games.

    We have some fabulous suggestions for this style of game up further in this article.

    Role-Playing-Games (RPG)

    This genre of games is an excellent piece of escapism.

    In an RPG, you take on the fictional life of an imaginary character to achieve some sort of magnificent quest.

    Take a look further back in this article for some of our top pics in this gaming genre.

    Just remember to play off-line versions and check the download size before you hit the button to buy.


    A router is located at the point where two or more networks connect.

    Just as you would expect by the name, its job is to route traffic between the devices connected to the network.

    In your home, this network will include computers, smartphones, tablets, printers, smart TVs, Google Home, pet cameras and much more. All these devices are connected using your router to the Internet.

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    So instead of cutting your Internet connection off completely when you bust out of your data allowance, your ISP/RSP will shape your access (aka: shaping).

    This means you still technically have Internet access, but it’s going to be pretty slow, and that’s going to limit the things you can do online.


    Simulation games are designed to closely mimic real-life situations.

    The imitation of real-life activities allows you to learn how to do certain things, or to just have fun carrying out activities you wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to try.

    Skymesh, Sky Muster™ AND Skybridge

    But they are all REALLY different.

    We know it’s tricky and confusing that these three words all start with Sky, and they’re all related to your successful Internet connection.

    Skymesh is us! We’re your cheerful all Aussie experts who cannot wait to get you connected to the Internet as quickly and effectively as possible. Call us. Email us. Submit a web form to us. Any way you want to get your help, we’re here for you!

    Sky Muster™ is one of the technologies that we at Skymesh use to connect you to the Internet. It’s an nbn® co product that we use to get you doing all the fabulous Internet things that you want to do.

    Skybridge is nbn® co’s installation partner. It’s not a small task to offer physical tech support to all of rural and remote Australia. So, when you become a Skymesh customer, nbn® co (who own the infrastructure that we provide your service through) will get Skybridge to come out and give you a hand.


    SSD is short for solid-state drive. It’s a mass storage device similar to a hard disk drive. They don’t have any moving parts, so they’re a lot more stable than a hard disk drive while serving the same purpose.


    Starlink is a satellite internet network owned and operated by Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

    Starlink cell

    A Starlink cell refers to the designated area on the ground that receives Starlink satellite internet service. Starlink cells are hexagonal and around 24 kilometres wide. A combination of cells makes up the coverage area in Australia.


    Steam is a web-based one-stop-shop launcher for gaming enthusiasts. It hosts thousands of games and downloadable content as well as discussion forums across all genres of online games.


    Throttling – in the way it’s meant by ISPs – is the intentional slowing down of your connection when you go over your data allowance.

    It won’t stop you from having access to the Internet, but it may slow down so far that your experience is incredibly frustrating.

    When ISPs take this action, it’s so that network traffic and congestion can be managed, allowing plenty of bandwidth for everyone.


    Throughput is a more technical way of explaining the speed at which your internet technology is capable of transmitting data.

    Tile-based graphics

    Tile-based graphics are those you see in the old school 80s style games where all the graphics are made up of lots of little boxes, and the game appears in grids.

    Triple A (AAA) games

    These games are high-budget and high-promo games like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, The Outer Worlds, or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

    Turn-based games

    Mumma always said it was polite to take turns and this sort of game gives much credence to that teaching.

    Games like the original FallOut, and Civilization VI, rank among the best turn-based games of all time.

    Twitch gameplay

    These games are all about your response times and for that, you need lightning-fast reflexes.

    If you’re like the American actor, director and comedian, Woody Allen ­– who once declared his reflexes were so bad that he’d been run over by a car being pushed by two guys – then twitch gameplay is probably not for you.

    Sorry Woody, you’re going to have to sit this one out!

    If you’re super keen to check out a good example of this game style, try Rainbow Six Siege.

    Unmetered Data

    The Sky Muster™ Plus packages now have this fabulous default feature: Unmetered data which allows you to spend time online without eating into any of the data included in your plan. The only things you now need data for are VPN traffic and video streaming.


    This is in reference to the length of time a service is operational without an outage/disruption to service. It is usually expressed as a percentage.

    Very helpful and expert Skymesh Staff

    Let’s face it. The Internet is a complicated and overwhelming beast when you start to unpack how it works, and who wants to explode their brains with that anyway?

    That’s why we’re here.

    We deal with the complicated and overwhelming bits, so you don’t have to.

    If there’s something you can’t do using your online account with us – or you’re having technical troubles – our super friendly super nerds are only a phone call away!

    CALL US ON 1300 759 637


    Webmail is the system that allows you to access your emails in a web browser anywhere you can get an Internet connection.

    While we offer this service at Skymesh, we also highly recommend Gmail and here’s why:

    • you can get 15GB of email storage for free
    • they have a great spam filter
    • you can set-up your own email domain so you can get have an email address that looks like this:
    • there is a two-factor authentication process for signing in from a new device, making it harder to hack your emails.

    X-rated Websites

    If you come across X-rated or other illegal content during the course of online browsing, naturally the right thing to do is to report it to the Australian Government’s eSafety Commissioner.

    The eSafety Commissioner can direct an Australian website host to remove any offensive content, notify the relevant Australian police force of any illegal material, and refer offending international material to the Australian Federal Police for action through Interpol.

    In addition to making that all important report, here’s a few other tips on staying safe online:

    • keep your personal information to a minimum online
    • make sure you’re visiting reputable sites and be careful what you download, so you don’t end up with a virus
    • ensure you have an up-to-date anti-virus program installed
    • check out a few of these previous posts we’ve written on online safety.

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    Your Usage is Your Responsibility

    How you manage your data usage is entirely your own prerogative and responsibility.

    Check back at Q is for Quota for more information on managing data through your online Skymesh account. In addition to using your online account, you can install a third-party product like Glasswire on all of your Internet-connected devices.

    This enables you to track the data usage of each specific device. It’s a fabulous way for you to know where your data usage is really being used.

    As a bit of a related side note, sometimes people don’t realise that their Internet-connected devices can (and will) do things when you’re not at home.

    The most common example happens when software updates automatically download and install on your devices. You don’t necessarily need to be physically using a device for your Internet data to be used.

    We just need to flag though, Skymesh can’t help you troubleshoot any third-party products you use in conjunction with our service. We are happy to help you with any of your needs around our own service though.


    As in:

    • file zipping
    • zip that file! Zip it good!
    • just zip it first
    • can you zip that and send it to me?

    What is zipping?

    Zipping a file compresses it so, it’s smaller and more manageable. Small files are easier to send.

    Zipped files also save storage space on your computer.

    Both Windows and Mac operating systems can zip and unzip files without the use of third-party software.

    A quick Google search will lead you to step-by-step instructions on how to work this magic.

    Not already a Skymesh customer? No problems. Use the button below to check nbn® availability at your place.

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