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Fast, Reliable, Regional Internet

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    Winning 6 Whistleout awards back-to-back is testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering reliable internet services to regional and rural Australia.

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      Internet Bundles

      Regional locations are often associated with little to no signal, but since modern systems like nbn® are now more readily available, even some of the farthest points of the country could secure competitively priced offers. This even includes reliable internet bundles or data bundles, also known as offers that are capped at a certain data allowance.

      What’s even better is that you’ve just discovered us at Skymesh. Aside from being a leading retail service provider for nbn® Australia, we have over twenty years of regional experience when it comes to connectivity. At our core is a commitment to expanding digital opportunities for all by creating better access to the digital world.

      We believe that those residing in regional areas should be able to have reliable internet access. With us, you can check your address and see if you can avail of an internet plan through a Fixed Line, Fixed Wireless, or Sky Muster® satellite connection. You may also contact our team to learn more.

      Is it really advantageous to get internet bundles?

      Before anything, it’s important to note that the best nbn® plan is the one that works for your specific situation. When it comes to capped internet bundles and their unmetered counterparts, both can be advantageous for their own distinct reasons, but the plan that’s suitable for you depends on your unique usage requirements.

      To give you a better understanding, capped internet bundles can be beneficial for those who already know or have a general idea of how much data they use each month. As such, they wouldn’t have to spend more on the extra data they don’t use.

      In line with this, capped internet bundles could also allow you to better manage your time online. You may choose a healthy limit so that you can strike a balance between the life you have in and out of the virtual space. Not only could this Ethernet or WiFi setup save you money, but it could also be a way for you to enjoy the hidden gems your regional location has to offer.

      As for unmetered internet offers, you could expect to pay the same amount regardless of how much data you’ve ended up using within the month. This is perfect for someone who regularly uses the internet or frequently invites friends and family members over to their home and expects more data to be used.

      Ultimately, only you can decide whether or not you should be looking into capped internet bundles or unmetered internet offers.

      The good news is that we at Skymesh can provide you with an internet plan, given that nbn® has coverage for your premises. We offer capped and unmetered internet plans for our Fixed Wireless and Sky Muster® subscribers, while our Fixed Line plans are unlimited.

      Depending on the service available to you, you could even start with either a capped internet bundle or an unmetered option and then easily switch in the future. Simply contact us over the phone or make a request through your Skymesh account.

      What should I look for in internet bundles?

      When it comes to office, business, or home internet bundles, you should take into account more than just data allocation. You also shouldn’t compare internet bundles and solely base your decision on the prices being offered. For instance, you should also consider the overall flexibility you could receive and the network technology behind the service.

      Overall flexibility

      If you want flexibility with your internet plans, then you shouldn’t be locked into a long-term setup. At Skymesh, we have thirty-day, no-lock-in plans. Those who want a cancellation can simply give us a thirty-day heads-up or notice.

      Available network technology

      Legacy systems like ADSL and ADSL2 were once the standard, but modern internet use requires upgraded technology. For this reason, we at Skymesh can generally provide faster and more stable internet access through an nbn® setup, depending on the technology and the quality and age of the network.

      When looking for internet bundles, check your address to see what technology nbn® offers at your location. The connection type may affect what internet plans are available to you.

      With these points in mind, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team at Skymesh if you have additional questions about the internet plans available to you. If your address is eligible, you can try out our options and enjoy service from nbn’s top specialised regional internet provider.

      What are the different types of internet bundles available?

      There are a wide variety of capped and uncapped internet bundles available, depending on your retail service provider and the technology available to you. As mentioned, those residing in Australia’s regional areas don’t choose the technology they can get, as nbn® allocates the most suitable technology depending on the location.

      At Skymesh, the first step in the nbn® sign up process is checking your address for nbn® service coverage. It’s incredibly simple; you just have to type in your area or pin it on our map feature. You could also connect with one of our agents if your address is not listed in the portal.

      Depending on your location, proximity to infrastructure, and line of sight, we may be able to provide you with internet access through a Fixed Line, Fixed Wireless, or Sky Muster® satellite connection.

      • Fixed Line connection brings you high-speed broadband internet through thin fibre optic cables that are connected to nodes near your premises. There are different kinds of technology nbn® uses in Australia, with some utilising existing copper networks or hybrid connections. These connections include Fibre to the Building (FTTB), Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), Fibre to the Curb (FTTC), Fibre to the Node (FTTN), and Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC).
      • Fixed Wireless connection lets you connect to the nbn® network wirelessly through long-range radio signals that are received by outdoor antennas.
      • Sky Muster® satellite connection gives you connectivity using two cutting-edge space satellites and a dish that’s installed on top of your roof.

      Learn what connections could reach your address and choose from our plans at Skymesh. Get started today!

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