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      Cheapest WiFi

      Living in a regional setting can have its perks, but one major drawback is the limited options for internet access.

      In contrast to cities like Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, there are fewer connectivity options in the far regional corners of Australia, which makes it difficult if you’re trying to find the cheapest WiFi bundle.

      There’s no doubt that being disconnected from the rest of the world can be frustrating. However, the good news is that you’ve just discovered us at Skymesh. We’re a reliable retail service provider for nbn®, and we’re even considered their top specialised regional internet provider.

      In addition to this, if you’ve been looking for nbn® 50 plans or perhaps nbn® 100 plans, we have multi-award-winning options from a broad range of internet categories. Just make sure to check your address to see if you’re within our coverage area.

      nbn’s service is dedicated to bridging the digital divide, so come familiarise yourself with what we at Skymesh have to offer!

      What is the most affordable type of internet connection in Australia?

      While it might be tempting to place your focus on the most affordable type of internet connection, you must remember that your specific location will still determine what kind of service you’ll receive. For this reason, you should first understand what’s available in your area before you go and search for the cheapest WiFi setup you can get.

      Dial-up and DSL internet connections

      Generally, dial-up and DSL internet connections are deemed one of the most affordable options out there. However, this low price tends to come at the expense of speed, stability, and overall signal quality. These connections rely on telephone lines, which don’t support the same bandwidth or speeds compared to newer technologies.

      nbn® connections

      The Federal Government, along with the help of private funding, has rolled out the nbn® network, which typically provides faster, more reliable internet connections compared to legacy connections.

      You’ll be pleased to know that depending on your location, line of sight, proximity to infrastructure, and premises as a whole, we at Skymesh may be able to offer internet plans using one of the following nbn® technologies.

      • Sky Muster® satellite connection. Makes use of two advanced space satellites as well as a satellite dish (to be installed on your roof) to connect you to the internet.
      • Fixed Wireless connection. Makes use of long-range radio signals as well as outdoor antennas to link you to the nbn® network wirelessly.
      • Fixed Line connection. Makes use of thin, high-speed fibre optic cables connected to nodes, which will bring you fast broadband services. At nbn®, service types include Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) as well as Fibre to Building (FTTB) and Fibre to the Node (FTTN), both of which use a combination of fibre and copper, and Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC), which uses cable and fibre.

      Additionally, you should also keep in mind that some fixed line connections are purely fibre optic. They may connect to your location’s existing copper network or use hybrid connections that ultimately affect the speed and quality of the service.

      So before you search for the cheapest WiFi plan possible, check your address on our platform and see what technologies are available at your location. If your area isn’t listed, get in touch with one of our agents. We’ll do some of the legwork for you and let you know which internet plans may be available at your residential property or business facility.

      What is a good internet speed for the average senior household?

      Whether you’re a senior citizen or just someone who is simply looking for the cheapest WiFi plan, you should understand that the speed and data allowance you need depend on what you want to do online.

      Depending on the available technology in your location, you may be able to choose from different speed tiers. For example, addresses with nbn® Fixed Line coverage can choose from nbn® 25, 50, and 100 plans at Skymesh. This way, they can find the cheapest WiFi plan for their personal data needs, or perhaps the cheapest WiFi plan with the consideration of others as well.

      For a senior citizen who just wants to browse the web for news, email loved ones about their day, or maybe even reconnect with old friends through messaging apps, nbn® 25 plans may suffice. With nbn® 25 plans, you could enjoy typical evening speeds of up to 25 Mbps download and up to 4 Mbps upload from 7.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.

      As for nbn® 50 plans, you could enjoy typical evening speeds of up to 49 Mbps download and up to 16 Mbps upload from 7.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. This tier is suitable for households with three to four users who use the internet for online gaming, HD streaming, and social media.

      However, if you’re someone who engages in heavy internet usage (such as watching online videos, playing mobile games, and downloading content like e-books or magazines), then you might require faster internet speeds, as with nbn® 100 plans. This option could give you typical evening speeds of up to 96 Mbps download and up to 16 Mbps upload from 7.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.

      At Skymesh, premises with nbn® Fixed Line coverage won’t have to worry about data allowances since all of our Fixed Line plans are unlimited.

      No matter what option works best for you, you can rest assured knowing that we have over twenty years of regional experience you can count on. Not only do we cater to senior citizens, work-from-home employees, online learning students, and more, but we also specialise in Australia’s regional locations.

      How do I choose the best and cheapest internet package for seniors?

      If you’re a senior citizen or someone who’s about to be one, it’s important to remember that the best internet bundles depend on your area’s connection capabilities. What’s more, the cheapest WiFi internet package might also compromise some aspects of your experience. As such, you should also consider factors such as contract versatility, core technology, and ease of use.

      • Contract versatility. Retired life could involve heaps of travelling. With this, you might want a contract that doesn’t lock you in for long periods of time. Fortunately, we at Skymesh have Fixed Line or Fixed Wireless 30-day agreements that could work for any schedule or lifestyle. Just give us a thirty-day notice for any cancellations.
      • Core technology. As mentioned, the cheapest WiFi option may not give you up-to-date technology. Legacy systems like ADSL have served their purpose, but we at Skymesh recognise that nbn® plans generally give you a faster and more reliable connection (depending on whether a copper network or hybrid connection was used).
      • Ease of use. You could have found the best possible deal in your area, but that wouldn’t really matter if it’s incredibly difficult to set up on your own. That’s why at nbn®, eligible users can enjoy free standard installations.*

      Now that you have these points in mind, you can opt for nbn’s service through Skymesh. Rather than searching for the cheapest WiFi for hours on end, why don’t you just check your address and get in touch with us?

      You could get excellent value from these nbn® plans, especially if you’re someone who frequently spends time online. It’s not just about searching for the cheapest WiFi plans; you should also know that Fixed Line technology typically supports faster speeds. This makes it appealing for those who want to seamlessly browse the web, download heaps of files, or simply watch 4K HD videos.

      At Skymesh, we even have a Brisbane-based team of regional internet experts, so you know we’ll be able to understand your situation and concerns.

      Check your address and apply today!

      *Free standard installations exclude both the new development and subsequent installation charges.

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